The Iligan Medical Center College – College of Radiologic Technology (IMCC-CRT) recently acquired general electric X-ray machine (Model: KX21) and high-speed X-ray film processor (Brand: BISEN; Model: BS360B). Several accessory devices, and materials necessary in a Radiologic Sciences laboratory were also purchased. This acquisition is part of the school’s strategic thrust to deliver relevant quality education through intensive instruction utilizing laboratory equipment and accessories as the teaching-learning materials.
Technological advancements in Radiology since the discovery of X-rays have been overwhelming with an impressive array of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment presently available. Radiologic Technology education plays an important role in the development of Radiology to meet the needs of the rapid changes and innovations in this specialty. The practice requires the knowledge necessary for the Radiologic Technologist to perform its task with confidence, effectiveness, and efficiency in patient care and management and the operation of general and specialized equipment such as the X-ray machine and accessories in a competent and safe manner. Hence, essential laboratory machine and accessories in a Radiologic Sciences laboratory are needed to help transfer the learned theoretical knowledge to actual practice.
The acquisition of the said equipment and accessories is also pursuant to the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) Memorandum Order No. 7 series of 2018 which requires the higher education institutions offering Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology (BSRT) program to continuously upgrade laboratory equipment and accessories to be at par with the global standards.
The IMCC-CRT department is truly thankful to the school’s Board of Directors and members of the school management for the unceasing support in improving the instructional laboratory materials of the department. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the department remains and will remain afloat in realizing IMCC as the right choice of students and stakeholders.
Mark M. Alipio
Program head, College of Radiologic Technology
June 2021