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September 23, 2020
college of radiologic technoloy online review class

college of radiologic technoloy online review class


Are you a graduate of BSRT in Iligan Medical Center College (IMCC)? Want to take the Radiologic Technology Licensure Examination (RTLE) next year? The College of Radiologic Technology of IMCC is inviting you to attend the FREE online review class. YES! It's FREE and OPEN to all graduates of BSRT in IMCC.

What to EXPECT during the REVIEW?


1. Answer sample RTLE questions!
2. Attend lectures from top-caliber educators!
3. Learn concepts from summarized notes and learning materials!
What are you waiting for? Register NOW.
Registration Steps:
1. Register through this link: https://forms.gle/BuGJU4FsdRHmuei48
2. Congratulations! You are now part of the Online Review Program. Wait for your CONFIRMATION through your email for at least ONE DAY!
Online review class schedule: every Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:00 NN
Opening of review class: September 25, 2020 (Friday; 8:30 AM)
Be part of the learning community!