The school library is located at the second (2nd) floor of the Administrative building. It uses the Dewey Decimal Classification(DDC) Scheme in organizing library materials and for the users to have a better access to all available library resources. It has a collection of books and non-book materials such as maps, globes, magazines, and newspapers. Its major function is to support the teaching and research program of the school by providing the materials needed by the faculty and students as well as other potential users such as researchers and information seekers in their academic works.
To build relationships and to improve our ability to identify and address clientele needs. It pushes us to constantly look for ways to coordinate with the different college deans that help improve our library services and find ways to better meet our needs in the library of IMCC.
As an essential part of the Iligan Medical Center College community, the library will reach everyone through learning and entertainment.
In line with the vision and mission of Iligan Medical Center College, the library shall provide information resources and services to faculty, students, researches, administrative staff and other potential clients. It shall provide the drive in support of the college instructional and scholarly inquiry that shall advocate liberal learning, education for service, training for careers and the development of lifelong learning skills of the general community of IMCC.
- To facilitate the growth and development of the collection that is essential and significant to the curricular offering of the institutions.
- To organize the use, storage, conservation and prevention of information resources that support the college’s instructional and research mission.
- To promote and to encourage the maximum use of information resource by providing reference and other information services both in print and non-print format that meet the information needs of the potential library clients.
- To best complement for the academic needs and research demands of the IMCC undergraduate, graduate students and the faculty members.
- To provide strong support to the curricular offerings of the college.
- To acquire, select, organize, conserve and preserve book and non-book materials that support the school academic, semi academic and research endeavors.
- To offer efficient and effective library services through the aid of giving amples physical facilities and equipments.
- To become of the college’s instruments that advocate the attainment of its educational and national development goals through making available the facilities and information resources of the library to all qualified users.
Core Values
Instruction - we support the education and inquiry process of the IMCC students, staff, and faculty by enhancing their knowledge through the use of library resources, services and research methodologies.
Flexibility - we efficiently adapt to the ever-changing needs of our users, and we are creative in finding solutions.
Reliability - we provide facilities, services, and technology in a predictable, safe, and dependable manner.
User-centered services - we provide OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog to our library users for them to achieve their research goals while at the same time increasing the efficiency of the software development process.
Leadership in all levels of staffing - providing excellent information service to patrons. Librarians are developing new skills that are necessary to support technology-based services.
Collaborative agreements with other libraries and agencies – the IMCC Library is a member of Academic Libraries Information Network in Mindanao (ALINET) wherein the IMCC students are allowed to use library resources (vis a vis) from other libraries that are also member.
The Library shall be open daily, except Sundays and Holidays from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M and 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon during Saturdays.
Library Card
A library card is issued to every student upon enrolment and shall be needed in order to avail of the facilities of the college library.
Borrowing of Book
- Borrower’s Card/Library Card
- Duly Validated Identification Card.

InfoTrac Custom Journals is a database of journals selected by your university library. It is a one-stop source of news
and periodical articles covering a wide range of topics.
How to use:
Step 1 To access, log on to:
Password: please visit the librarian for the password.
Step 2
In the platform, select the specific discipline you want to research on.
Step 3
In the search box, type in the topic you are looking for and star searching the database.
Step 4
You may print, download, or email to your account any of the articles found in the database.
For more information, consult the imcc librarian.