


The school Clinic is located at the back of College of Hotel and Restaurant Management/Tourism near the Medivox Office and Property Custodian’s Office. It is open from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Mondays to Fridays and from 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN on Saturdays. The clinic welcomes students for immediate medical and dental services of students.



Medical/Dental Health Services

Students are required to submit for Physical Examination by the School Physician for Medical and Dental evaluation as a requisite to enrolment.

Requirements for Physical Examination

  • One (1) Official I.D. Picture
  • Official Receipt from the Business Office
  • White Form
  • Stool and urine specimen


Physical Examination Procedure

  • Present the white form and official receipt to the school clinic for scheduling and secures a health card
  • Present the health card to the Radiology Department of Iligan Medical Center Hospital (IMCH) for Chest X-ray. Pregnant women/expectant mothers should inform the school clinic or the Radiology Department, to avoid radiation exposure.
  • Proceed to the Laboratory for Complete Blood Count and submit the stool and urine specimen to the Medical Technology Department of Iligan Medical Center Hospital (IMCH). Urine and stool specimen must be submitted simultaneously; otherwise you will not be entertained by the Medical Technologist.
  • Report to the School Physician for physical examination.
  • Return to the School Clinic and submit the accomplished Medical Records form for issuance of Medical Clearance.


Specimen Collection and Preparation


  • Early morning and midstream catch urine is appropriate although random collection may also be suitable.
  • Collect specimen in a clean glass or plastic container and deliver to the laboratory within one (1) hour of collection. Specimen that is more than one hour is not suitable. Urine specimen is at least 5 ml or more.


Stool Examination

  • Stool must be at least the size of a pea.
  • Collect specimen in a clean bottle or plastic container or cartoon, but do not wrap in any piece of paper or cellophane.
  • Stools must be submitted to the laboratory for examination within one (1) hour after collection.


Dental Extraction Policy

  • Take a light breakfast at least 30 minutes before going to the school clinic
  • Those who are having their monthly menstrual period are not allowed to have their tooth extracted.
  • High School and grade school students must obtain parents’ consent.


Clinic  Consultation  and  Dispensing  of Medicines Procedure

  • Present a valid school ID and Health Card
  • Fill-up the logbook
  • Fill-up the Medical Records Form

Dental Extraction Procedure

  • Fill-up Dental Form


Dental Prophylaxis and Dental Filling

  • Fill-up Dental Form
  • Consult dentist for assessment and evaluation


Clinic Consultation and Dispensing of Medicines

Policy on Dispensing of Medicines

  • A single dose policy is in effect; everybody is entitled to have a single free initial dose of medicine.
  • Releasing of antibiotics requires the physician’s prescription.
  • Consultation for minor ailments is free of charge.
  • Advance cases and/or complicated conditions that require the expertise of a specialized field in medical practice are referred accordingly.
  • Emergency cases that require special equipments and/ or procedure are referred to the Hospital Emergency Room.
  • Patients below the legal age of 18 are given the parents information sheet which will be accomplished by their guardians/parents and submitted to the school clinic.
  • Children below 12 years of age will not be given any oral medication unless in the presence of their guardians/parents.